Madrid Logo

Tourism Logo

Designing A Logo for an International Tourist City

For this project, we were assigned to design a logo that appropriately represents the history, culture, arts and feel of our international city of choice. The city that I chose to do my logo for was Madrid. I was already familar with the city and had great grandparents that used to live there, but I wanted to go further in my research and learn more about the culture.



The first phase of the project was to do research of our city. I learned a lot about Madrid's history, culture, art, archietecture, customs, and geography during this process While using this understanding, I was able to start sketching out different concepts to narrow it down to 3 good ideas to show to my teacher for critique.

Sketches 3 logo ideas


These are some of the sketches that I had to do for this project. Out of the 100 ideas that I had came up with, we narrowed it down to only 3 to then digitize in Adobe Illustrator for the next critique.

black & white logo logo in color

Refining Logo

After recieving feedback from the critique, the final decision for the logo was the line drawing of a Flamenco dancer. The last phase is to now refine the logo and explore color.

logo on bag logo on mug

Final Logo

Some examples on how the logo can be used.

Tools & Specifications

  • Client: Emily & Moody
  • Deliverables: Designing a logo
  • Year: 2022
  • Medium: Illustration
  • Role: Visual Identity Design/Graphic Design
  • Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
  • Tags: Graphic Design, Custom Illustration
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